Copper or hormonal IUD removal

There are several reasons why you might want your IUD removed.

These could include

  • A desire to become pregnant
  • Because your existing device has expired and you want a new one
  • Side effects which you can no longer tolerate
  • Developing an infection
  • Simply just not liking having an IUD or IUS

IUD removal is often easier, quicker and less painful than device insertion.

Preparation for copper or hormonal IUD removal

  • If you wish to try for a pregnancy then and IUD can be removed at any time.
  • It would be advisable to start taking folic acid 400 mg daily three months prior to removal to reduce the risk of spina bifida and brain abnormalities in the fetus.
  • If you wish to avoid pregnancy then you should start an alternative method e.g. pill, patch, ring or injection seven days prior to IUD removal or abstain from sexual intercourse or use a condom for 7 days prior to removal.
  • If you need to bring children then you must attend with a friend or relative who will be responsible for the care of your children outside the clinic during the procedure.

How the copper or hormonal IUD is removed

  • A specially trained doctor or nurse will remove the IUD.  An assistant may or may not be present.
  • After undressing below the waist, the doctor or nurse will examine you with their fingers to check the size and direction of the uterus. 
  • A speculum (a duck billed instrument) is used to hold open the walls of the vagina and forceps are then used to securely grasp the IUD strings and pull on them slowly. 
  • The flexible arms of the IUD will fold up as the IUD slides through the cervix.

For most people, IUD removal is a routine and uncomplicated procedure, but in some cases the strings of the device may not be located. This is most likely because the strings have slipped up in to the cervical canal, they can usually be pulled out gently using narrow forceps: often an ultrasound scan is used to locate the device and its strings. 

The strings have gone up into the uterus, which may require a visit to a more specialist clinic where the position of the device can be confirmed and removal made after application of local anaesthetic.

Very rarely an IUD may have become stuck in the uterine wall and removal needs to be undertaken using a hysteroscope (small flexible telescope) in gynaecology outpatients at hospital.

Your appointment

Your appointment has been made for an appropriate time in your menstrual cycle. If things have changed (for example, your period is not at expected time or you've forgotten to use an alternative method for seven days) since your consultation, call us to arrange an alternative date.

We will send a text reminder about your appointment asking you to confirm your attendance.

We will follow this with other attempts to reach you (call, text, email), but if you have not confirmed your attendance or re-arranged your time 24 hours prior to the clinic we will give your appointment to someone else.